But.... I wouldn't want to dress up like Elvis XD This woman looks nice, but I would be nowhere near to it.
That is why I'm gonna dress up as the style icon....
I am really a big fan of her - she is so stylish and pretty, so I hope I can live up to the task XD
If you don't know her, here is some photos of her...
From Breakfast at Tiffany's
I don't where the rest is from, but look at her! So stylish!
The young version I'm gonna portray is from the 50's....But I don't care XD
I guess I have a proper chance to pull it off since I've got HUGE eyebrows as her while being skinny ^^ (I just need the Bambi-eyes... thank god I've got make-up :P )
Anyways, I will take pictures of the process of putting the make-up on and if I succeed I will make a tutorial. The only thing I didn't see coming was that we have to eat for two hours at the party :( So I probably can't wear red lipstick... lol that would be a total disaster 0_0
NICE xD can't wait to see!
SvarSlet........ *puster kinder op xD* hvorfor har du ikke lagt et billede af dig selv som hende?!