onsdag den 31. august 2011

Because I f*ckin' love...

Bones. Bones and Batman.

Funny how they both start with B.

Anyway, I now (luckily) own:

And...dam dam dam:

Because I'm cool. Hehehehe. Gonna get divorced from my computer and get a relationship with my TV and dvd-player....

mandag den 29. august 2011

Audrey Hepburn look

Audrey Hepburn Make-up Tutorial!


Okay, let’s start!
First you need to put on some good music and be sure to have a good lightning source. My source of lightning was very good – but on pictures it looks like crap. Next time, I will take better pictures :/

Clean face + cream
Okay, make sure to have a clean face! I used some facial water, let it dry, then put on a good cream, so that your skin is moistured. I used ‘Matas Fugtighedscreme’/’ Matas Humidity cream’

Picking eyebrows…
Then you have to pick your eyebrows, so that they are in the desired shape. I just removed the worst ‘out of line’ hairs, but I should have probably prepared for this a month ago, making my eyebrows go slightly up in the end.

Foundation + cover up stick
I then put on a foundation. My product of choice was ‘Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid – Ivory 010’ and I put it on with a sponge – that works best for me J
Afterwards I used a cover up stick. I used my wonderful ‘Collection 2000 – light translucent 1’ which I bought in a drugstore in Edinburgh. It really saves my ass each day!
I used it at the root of the nose, where you’re always red, between my eyebrows, right under my lip, at my dark rings under my eyes and at my pimples!

(Here you can see the areas I usually cover with my coverstick and then rubbing it into the skin)

I then put on a blush. I used my ‘Natural Collection – Sugar Plum’. Again a product I bought in Edinburgh, which I can only recommend. The colour works wonderful on me and it stays on for hoursJ. Before applying on my chin, I lightly padded the backside of my hand to get the superfluous powder off. I then applied.

Afterwards I applied powder. This is because a strong blush doesn’t work for me, so I actually put on my powder afterwards to modify the blush. My choice of powder that day was ‘Gosh Pressed Powder – 03 Warm Sand’. I applied it with a brush with closed eyes and made sure that I covered my whole face and a bit of my neck, so the colour of my neck would match my face, just a little bit J The transition will be much nicer that way!
I then removed the powder which was on my eyebrows, so it would be easier for the next step.

Eyebrow pencil
I used my ‘Rimmel: Professional Eyebrow Pencil – 001 Dark brown’. I have very dark eyebrows, so if yours are a bit lighter, I would suggest perhaps a lighter colour like ash brown or something similar. But first I brushed my eyebrows to have the desired shape and then I was drawing my eyebrows.
I didn’t use gel or anything that would make them stick to the place I brushed them to, but that may be a possible thing to do.

I put on a vague eyeshadow. I used a champagne colour from my Dior-palette and a bit darker brown to go from the outer corner of my eyes like this:

Of course it wasn’t as visible as this, it is just to demonstrate.

(This picture keeps bugging me, so I will leave it as it is :( I used the two light shades for what I called 'champagne' and then the dark brown, as in the illustration above).

Liquid Eyeliner
I then painted the ‘cat like’ look she got. I used my ‘Gosh: Eye liner pen stylo ligneur – black’. You can see the shape I did on the picture.

As you can see it has this 'swirp' in the end. The eyeliner doesn't even go into the 'rod' of the eye (the innermost of the eye)

I then used my beloved ‘Gosh – let’s twist eye liner – carbon black waterproof’. On the upper wet line of the eye:

 (the place I painted red)

Bending eyelashed…
Then I pressed my eyelashed with my eyelash bender. You all know what that is?
This instrument of torture, haha. I just used a cheap one I once bought in… H&M, I think.

I then used my ’Lancôme – Hypnôse waterproof black’ mascara. It is really a wonderful mascara. No eyelashing lumping together or anything! You get these very fine eyelashes with length etc. I could talk about that mascara all day!
But I applied a lot on the upper lashed and very little on the lower lashed. I just wanted to make them barely visible.

You could with success use some false lashed on the upper lashline, as long as they only ad more volume – just a slight bit. I didn’t, however.

Eyeliner again…
I then used my ‘Gosh – 008 silver screen’ eyeliner in the inner corner of my eyes, to make it look lighter in there.

If I had had the money, I would have bought a very light gold or a white eyeliner, because brown+champagne with silver looked a bit strange, so I made sure to modify the eyeliner. I didn’t put a light eyeliner on my lower wet eyeline-thing. I wish I would have done, because in the end result my eyes looked a bit too small compared to Audrey’s.

Lip gloss
Finally I applied my lip gloss. I used a lip gloss I bought in the USA, called ‘love&beauty’ from Forever21.

(Sadly they don't look shiny on this picture... but they were!)

However, I would normally had gone with red lips – that makes you look so much more Audrey Hepburn a-like, but the party I was going too had this ‘we have to eat for two whole hours’ and I was like: food + me + red lipstick = disaster. So I went with the safe choice, but if you ever want to see the look with red lips, please, just write it to me, then I’ll do it J (with better pictures than this crap, I promise!)

Then the make-up was over, and this was how it looked so far….

I started out with loose, brushed/combed hair.

I then put it up like… twisting the hair around itself and hiding the ‘ends’ under the other hair. I don’t really know how to explain it better than this, I hope you can see it on the pictures!

Then I used this hair slide (I don’t know why the pictures kept getting blurred o_O )

I then used TONS of hairspray. I used what I had, which was Schwartzkopf’s ‘Poly Swing Hair Spray – Gloss, ultra strong (strength 4)’.

I took hair pins with me to the party in case the hair would drop down, but believe it or not, the hair stayed put ALL night o_o I even went to sleep with the hair and it was almost good looking the next day … XD

Hair result

For the nails I just made sure they were clean and plain and then applied a transparent pinkish nailpolish with a little shine to it. I used Rimmel’s ‘ Lycra French Manicure – professional finish – 445 French Rose’. It is such a delicious colour – every girl should own one. It has been my favourite nailpolish for …. Like forever, because it goes with everything!

The end!
And that was the end of that tutorial!
Hope it helped somehow, even though I didn’t look exactly like her, and the pictures were a disappointment :/ Bad, bad camera….

I will improve ... so until next time,

Help with Photoshop!

I finally finished my drawing, but see. This is how it looks in my photoshop!

And this is how it looks at DA!

How come it got this boring color-thing? 
It makes me sad - it didn't even help to upload the photoshop file... :l

lørdag den 27. august 2011

Summer party in Bauhaus tonight and look-a-like!

Tonight we're going to celebrate the summer in Bauhaus and the theme is '60's party with Elvis theme'

But.... I wouldn't want to dress up like Elvis XD This woman looks nice, but I would be nowhere near to it. 
That is why I'm gonna dress up as the style icon....


I am really a big fan of her - she is so stylish and pretty, so I hope I can live up to the task XD

If you don't know her, here is some photos of her...

From Breakfast at Tiffany's

I don't where the rest is from, but look at her! So stylish!

The young version I'm gonna portray is from the 50's....But I don't care XD 

I guess I have a proper chance to pull it off since I've got HUGE eyebrows as her while being skinny ^^ (I just need the Bambi-eyes... thank god I've got make-up :P )

Anyways, I will take pictures of the process of putting the make-up on and if I succeed I will make a tutorial. The only thing I didn't see coming was that we have to eat for two hours at the party :( So I probably can't wear red lipstick... lol that would be a total disaster 0_0


torsdag den 25. august 2011


Yes, I don't have much to update about, so I'll just post how far I came with the drawing today :-)

Tomorrow is the last day of my trial :( It's gonna be sad after that...

Oh yes, btw, I could post a rime I did in spanish :P It was a assignment... I can't remember it completely, but it was something close to:

'Juan tiene un sistema,
que resuelve un problema,
pero el tema,
queda un dilema'

'Juan has a system,
which resolves a problem'
but the theme,
remains a dilemma'

Sounds way better in spanish than in English xD

onsdag den 24. august 2011

Not doing much atm. School is eating up my time and I can't say no when they ask me to take some ekstra shifts at work XD...

The sad thing is: I will only be attending J-pop saturday afternoon to sunday. I have to go with my school on a trip from 10th-12th... typical it has to be that very weekend, but at least I can watch the (always belated) show and still hang out at sunday ^^
I will soon begin on my cosplay, which I will probably show off here - you know the progress, how I do this and that and so on!

Anyway, I just had time to do this thing :D

Work in progress!
I am so in love with Photoshop CS5, but my trial will run out in three days :( Not fair...

torsdag den 4. august 2011

Pretty much bagud med en masse ting!

 Pyh, jeg bliver lidt trist når alle går og glæder sig til genki og man ikke selv skal med ;_; høh. Det føles lidt tomt, men når pengene ikke lige er der og man desuden er optaget hele søndag, så er det jo nødt til at blive sådan.

Jeg har været på arbejde tre gange indtil videre... og kan nu konstatere.... 

at de giver sindssygt lange vagter i BAUHAUS 0_0 Næste uge skal jeg arbejde fire dage og de er allesammen mere eller mindre fra kl. 09 til 18-19 stykker om aftenen. Det er lidt hårdt, at stå op i så lang tid xD...

Men når jeg tænker på de penge jeg tjener, bliver det ligesom okay  ♥ Så må jeg bare spare så jeg kan komme med til J-popcon 8D

(Hvilket minder mig om at jeg snart burde gå i gang med mit cosplay til det ^-^ )

Nå, men jeg har slappet godt af efter at være kommet hjem fra USA (Så meget at jeg først overførte mine billeder fra turen til min computer for et par dage siden >_> +1500 billeder der skal sorteres... juhuuuu :P) – bl.a. ved at være sammen med en gammel ven og lave absolut ingenting! Løbetræningen er genoptaget og er langsomt ved at vænne mig af med mine usunde vaner fra USA (´_`)

Og så er turen kommet til spil XD...

”Castlevania – LORDS OF SHADOW”:
Det har fået rigtig meget kritik, fordi folk ikke mener at det er som 'old-school' Castlevania.... men siden jeg aldrig har spillet de andre, ser jeg ingen grund til at hade dette spil XD Det minder mig vold-meget om DMC, så jeg er total lykkelig over at eje det 8D Det er super fedt og man hopper bare rundt og smadrer dem alle. Plus at Gabriel er...vold-lækker (yes, så er det sagt... pyyyhhh, hot hot hot!)

Nå, de næste spil er nogen jeg for nyligt har erhvervet mig, men som jeg er super glad for at jeg fandt :B Hvis man er venner med mig på FB, er det vidst ikke svært at se hvad det er! Her er et hint:

Det var dejligt med lidt nostalgi og sidde ved min PS2 igen! Dante er, som altid, dejlig, selvom han er lidt svær at tage seriøs i 1'eren, ud fra hvad jeg har spillet :P Så jeg gik i krig med 2'eren i dag, som overraskede mig *0* Det minder en hel del om 3'eren - og man kan lave aberullefald xD


Hvilket leder mig til...

Hvis I ikke allerede har set den, burde I tage at gøre det. I starten var jeg ret skeptisk, over at de laver Dante helt om, men jeg er ved at vænne mig til idéen >_> Altså, fans der flipper ud over det og siger at det bliver det værste lort i verden burde tage og se hvad spillet egentlig kommer til at handle om osv. Der er rygter om alt muligt (først at hele universet ligesom skulle 'genstartes'), men ud fra denne video:
Lyder det på NinjaTheory (Dem der laver spillet i samarbejde med Capcom), som om at de ønsker at forny spillet, ved at lave en prequel.
Præcis, en forhistorie. De ønsker at fortælle noget om Dante's fortid og det ser jeg frem til at høre om :3 
Jeg siger ikke, at jeg bifalder det, men jeg vil se hvad spillet er for noget, før jeg udtaler mig om det er noget lort XD

(Se, hans hår er hvidt i toppen :B)