fredag den 26. november 2010

Manga Workshop!

Hey guys!

It was a really nice event yesterday! The start was a bit off (the power point thing didn't work), but the workshop was very nice! The food was good as well. I started out to decide that I wanted chili con carne, but then re-decided when I saw the food... 0_0 it looked nothing like chili con carne, so instead I chose the curry chicken rice dish :D SO delicious! Om, nom nom!~

And the workshop - yes. XD it went good... but because I was nervous I accidentically asked how many actually signed themselves up for the workshop.... it was only bloody 4-5 people out of the 13 people (15 with me and Lisa) O_O; So in the start I was a bit like "oh fuck this is gonna suck", but surprisingly most of the people actually did a really great job! And they tried so hard some of them!
Then we heard some music etc. XD

The only problem is... you don't get inspired, when sitting in a boring class room and drawing... but this was what I ended up with:

 (I don't know why this wont be turned over o_O my computer sucks)

Anyways, nice event and all that shit!

So I had today off and I started the day by eating breakfast with my father... I made some scramble eggs with salt and pepper, because that is how I like it. But I unfortunately crunched some pepper in my palate....ouch! I've had a heartburn for the rest of the day ): I tried hexocain-tablets, tea, bananas, water, milk...nothing helps *sad* I hate heartburn, because I feel so ill...

But anyway XD I went jogging to the library afterwards to lent two books. One called "The Mad Man" by Leif Panduro - I have to write an review over it and then a book called "Antique Mythology" ^-^ Just for fun reading, the last one...

Then I went to the bank to get some money (for a friend), but the machine outside the banks, where you put your card in to withdraw money... it kept my card and said "Card is kept back due to safety precaution. Please contact your bank". My bank is "aarhus lokalbank" and the machine I tried to withdraw from was a "danske bank". So I went into the bank and tried to get some help, because sometimes shit happens... and the  bank assistant was all like "Sure, I'll just go get your card for you". But when she got it, she was all serious and was like "I can't give this to you and for safety precaution, I can't tell you why either" 0_0 I was like:

WTF IS GOING ON?!??!?! @_@

I really felt like some kind of criminal (_ _) all the old, nice ladies looked at me, like I had just tried to use a stolen card...

Well I jogged home and activated another card I had .. but still... I think they should've told me.

Afterwards I baked layers for the layer-cake I'm going to make for tomorrow ^_^ We're celebrating my upcoming birthday (the 10th december) and my brothers (he had the 10th november). I think it's gonna be lovely~ 

And.. besides this I've seen Harry Potter 6, so I'm ready to go watch the first part of no. 7 this sunday oWo;

(And used like 3-4 hours on a social studies assignment -_- )


Before I end this day's blog, I want to tell you that I've finally decided what my next hair style is going to be!
I've tried hard to not having any fringes... but... My face looks weird...:

(Okay, seems like my computer and blogspot still won't be working together o_O)

Anyways, the new hair style I want to try is something inspired by this Cleopatra hairstyle!

I remember when I had this hairstyle (even though my hair wasn't straight at the bottom) and I felt very comfortable. I don't think I like to show of my forehead <_< maybe it's because my skin is mischievous TuT; but I like it better with fringes!~

tirsdag den 23. november 2010


;_; Eh. I hate to write "bleh" as the headline each time I have a random post XD

... hmm.





I haven't really experienced anything exciting these past days... hm. :l Except for the manga workshop - it IS going to be made, weh! There are Lisa and I and then our 13 little pupils, mwehehehehe....

Oh and then it piss me of that my comic pages often are more satisfying for me than my illustrations X_X I spend like x20 more times on my illustrations, but still they somehow end up not satisfying. Especially after colouring it... I've been thinking about returning to the traditional colouring process, perhaps do something with watercolours... o:

So you may experience a drastic change of way in my colouring.. DUM DUUUUMMM...


*draws on the next page of A Monotonous Monopoly* ( _  _ )///

fredag den 19. november 2010


Yeah, I thought I would take some new ego photos XD *shoot*

These two turned out best~

Enjoy your friday <3

torsdag den 18. november 2010

Shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... or should I say boots?

Yeah, I basically looked through every shop that were selling shoes wednesday before work.

I was looking for boots like this (just a bit more boot-alike - you know a bit higher on the lower part of the leg):

No shit - I didn't find any that I could fit. I only found two, which looked a bit like this, but they were so stiff and hard to walk in that I was like: If the prize was 100 DKR, but 400 DKR? Hell no!

I was a bit sad to be honest. I know there's lots of these boots with a plateau heel, but I wanted something for everyday use and high heels tend to be hard for my  39-41 size feet >_<

But when I went to a driver lesson .... I found these!!!

They are VERY nice to walk in and they look way better in reality xD My feet look very .... broad and big and these boots really make them look slim!
(besides from that, I seriously love that brown color... )
I originally wanted a colour like in the first picture, but this boot looked like some kind of whore-boot in black (it was all shiny and such D: )

Oh yesss, and somehow they decided in my class to use my drawing for the education sweaters anyways. Or we'll get the printing works to make a sample for us and if it looks good, they'll go with it!!! ♥♥

Btw, a preview of the drawing you saw in the last blog update~ XD (working very slowly... )

mandag den 15. november 2010


Well, since I only have 4 readers who were all present at J-popcon, I won't talk too much about it. We won 3 prizes and I'm SO happy about it! *^^* But I'm too tired to write a long novel about it right now, soo check out Nadia's blog (^^)

After getting home, I luckily catched up with my homework... so tonight I've had time for drawing!
In ancient history, one of my favorite classes, we had about Apollo and Daphne and the sad love story between them. So I felt like sketching it!
Gonna work on it, but I like the overall result - it took about an hour!

We also read something from the book "Badly behaving Gods", which is... AN AWESOME BOOK. I really want it in danish, but it's not sold anymore, so I will have to either just rent it at the library or buy it in english :l

have funnn ~

tirsdag den 9. november 2010

Brothers birthday - picture!

XD because I forgot to put it up in the previously update and I wanted to show you what I have drawn for him (for tomorrow)

Cute, ain't he XD

I am going to teach at my school?!

Hell yes I am! 

Or probably. It's not sure yet.

I'm going to teach other students from the school about drawing manga, with Lisa ^___^;; If enough people vote for the workshop, that is.

That could be pretty awesome still, even though I've never taught before XD ...