søndag den 26. september 2010

First Aid

I went to a first aid course this sunday. Lasted 6½ hour... *yawn* it was (VERY) boring.

But when I came home, I went with my father to a parking space and drove for the first time in my life!

I was like: WTF DO I DO HEEEELPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! @_@ (while the car was rolling with like... 0,4 km / h)

but after ten minutes I got quiet a hang to it. Now I'm able to start our car without making it die (I have overcomed the clutch, mwahaha!)

I just feel like creeping into my bed. I'm SO tired and I think I've catched a cold...again -_-; 


2 kommentarer:

  1. AHAHAHHAH DET BILLEDE DER!!! Sårn ville jeg totally se ud bag rettet i en bil xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD og det gjorde du sikkert også, hahahhaahhaa! ÅH LOL!
    First Aid........BOOOOOOOOOOOORIIIIIIIIIIING (Med Homer Simpsons stemme).. xD

    Alle er ved at blive syge o_o det startede i Jutland og nu er det kommet herover! ÅH VE!

  2. Haha, Homer Simpsons stemme xD; <3

    Ja, det er et epidemi fra det mørke Jylland... 0__0
