Yeah, just started to work on the design of the education shirts. I think it's gonna be good.
Meanwhile enjoy this W.I.P. of Dante.
I learned a new and much more simple way to color. Man, I should have read my book, "Digital Illustration", a little earlier -_- I've had it for 3 years without looking in it. LOL. It's VERY useful. *starts a love-affair with it* 8D
/off to bed
onsdag den 29. september 2010
søndag den 26. september 2010
First Aid
I went to a first aid course this sunday. Lasted 6½ hour... *yawn* it was (VERY) boring.
But when I came home, I went with my father to a parking space and drove for the first time in my life!
I was like: WTF DO I DO HEEEELPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! @_@ (while the car was rolling with like... 0,4 km / h)
but after ten minutes I got quiet a hang to it. Now I'm able to start our car without making it die (I have overcomed the clutch, mwahaha!)
I just feel like creeping into my bed. I'm SO tired and I think I've catched a cold...again -_-;
But when I came home, I went with my father to a parking space and drove for the first time in my life!
I was like: WTF DO I DO HEEEELPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! @_@ (while the car was rolling with like... 0,4 km / h)
but after ten minutes I got quiet a hang to it. Now I'm able to start our car without making it die (I have overcomed the clutch, mwahaha!)
I just feel like creeping into my bed. I'm SO tired and I think I've catched a cold...again -_-;
tirsdag den 21. september 2010
Devil May Cry 5
What do you think of it?
I'm currently working on some Dante fanart (yes, I'm a traitor - the new Dante LOL)
I'm currently working on some Dante fanart (yes, I'm a traitor - the new Dante LOL)
Not anything near done yet. Gotta work a bit on his eyes.
mandag den 20. september 2010
From now on my blog will be in english. Hm. I have been thinking about this for some time, but it seems like I am most comfortable, wrtiting in english.
I finished the saga of Darren Shan.
- and I feel empty inside ;_;
I have to make some fanart of Mr. Tiny sometime soon |D He is by far one of the coolest persons. (YES HE IS).
Hmm, I've also been thinking about starting to write again. I have a brilliant idea (which right now is being written in a short form in an essay for english class).
Well.. nm, I'll post some of it here!
The story will be called "Time Traveller" (BUT BEWARE I HAVE NOT YET CORRECTED MY GRAMMAR MISTAKES!)
Kirin . Like his fellow brothers, he was all draped in bandages except his mouth. He always kept it closed, but by looking at his siblings, the ones following us, I saw that the mouth was a big, round hole, filled with pointy sharp teeth. All of them had, instead of fingers, long, pointy knives.
Well, what do you think? : D
I finished the saga of Darren Shan.
- and I feel empty inside ;_;
I have to make some fanart of Mr. Tiny sometime soon |D He is by far one of the coolest persons. (YES HE IS).
Hmm, I've also been thinking about starting to write again. I have a brilliant idea (which right now is being written in a short form in an essay for english class).
Well.. nm, I'll post some of it here!
The story will be called "Time Traveller" (BUT BEWARE I HAVE NOT YET CORRECTED MY GRAMMAR MISTAKES!)
As we were getting closer a figure of a low, chubby man appeared before us. He was wearing a striped darkgreen and crimson coloured suit, wearing black polished shoes and tripped his foot, slowly, waiting for us. We came to a halt before him. I was exhausted while Kirin showed no sign of fatigue. Our followers slowed down, covering our backs and making sure that we were not able to escape. I looked at the man, which I knew all too well, scared of what he might do next.
“Well”, he chuckled clapping his hands. “I must admit I am surprised. I thought my precious hunters would have already slaughtered you”. His face turned from suddenly looking all friendly to be filled with hatred. He reminded me of the devil, which he sure was evil enough to be!
“Give me my watch back, Lorinee or you’ll regret it”. I looked sideways at Well, what do you think? : D
tirsdag den 14. september 2010
Begyndte på teoriholdet i dag. Vores lærer, Åge, virker rigtig inde i stoffet og samtidig er han energisk, så undervisningen skal nok blive sjov, haha.
Skal ud og køre på prøvebane om 14 dage.... arg! :D
torsdag den 9. september 2010
... hvor nostalgisk.
Denne AMV var den der fik mig til at høre Queen hvilket førte videre til det musik jeg hører i dag.
Sidder og mindes de gode tider, haha.
Et stykke tid siden jeg har lavet et ordentlig blogindlæg.
Problemet er nok, at jeg ikke ved hvad jeg skal skrive.
Livet går sin gang her i Jylland. Gymnasiet kalder hver morgen kl. 8:00. Efter gymnasiet er det vennernes tur og om aftenen lektiernes tur. ... og måske en smule (for meget) MSN, haha. ^^
Jeg får tegnet lidt forskelligt for tiden. Umh. er lige begyndt på et projekt, jeg vil kalde "Tea Time". Det bliver spændende at se, hvordan det udvikler sig!
... hmm.. *tænksom mine*
Nå jo. Hør den her sang. Fantastisk. Kan slet ikke lade være med at høre den. ♥♥♥♥
... hmm
Jeg skal snart til at begynde på mit cosplay til November. Heldigvis er det en (FORHOLDSVIS) billig omgang denne gang, og forhåbentlig kommer jeg til at sy det hele 100 % selv, uden andet end vejledning. ♥
XD;; øh.. Jeg overvejer at begynde at skrive lidt igen. Har fået en idé om en pige og et ur, der gør så man kan rejse frem og tilbage i tiden. Lidt casual idé, men tror nu at det kan blive meget godt! Mit udkast kommer til at være en engelsk fantasy stil jeg skal aflevere her sidst på måneden (yææsshhh, jeg har savnet sådan en opgave siden folkeskolen!)
Såh.. ja.
Oplever I noget spændende for tiden? ♥
Forresten er vi gået ind i min yndlingsårstid : D der er ikke noget jeg elsker mere end efterår, med blæst og solskin ♥
Der findes intet smukkere end efterårsnatur.
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