fredag den 15. juni 2012

Mid June

Hey guys, been forever since I wrote my last entry ^^ I've been really busy with exam and all that! Luckily I only have two exams left (oral history and oral danish) before I'm DONE! My graduate hat is lying in a box, waiting for me to put it on!

Well, I actually just felt like telling what I've been up to lately. I have bought a lot of stuff (cheap of course - since I ain't working so much atm) ~
Furthermore I've got myself a haircut!
Da daaah~ Completely short on the back (a bit strange after having had this long hair for like... a year or such♥ )
(Me and Lisa at SVS con ♥)

Furthermore I've kinda died online (both on DA, blogspot and smackjeeves) after Diablo 3 came online XD Not that I've played much, but when I have not made preparations for exams or been sleeping I have played. So I'm only level 45 ._. But hopefully I'll rise and beat those demons' asses!

Another peak  this summer will be the release of Guild Wars 2. I used to play Guild Wars - Factions but eventually grew a bit tired of it (I played WoW back then). But GW2 looks REALLY promising, just check out this teaser/gameplay! 
One thing that I hated back in GW was that you couldn't really jump unless you typed "/jump" and that just sucks, because the fun part about these MMORPG's is that you can jump like a crazy while killing all kinds of animals and bad guys, haha 

I got so excited I bought the artbook (or concept artbook - but this way I can just buy the game instead of having to buy the CE >_> )
I must be honest and say, it is the most beautiful artbook I own. The sceneries... I am so amazed!

This is the front cover

If you want to see some of the beautiful artwork/concept art go to their official homepage! (and buy this artbook!)

Okay, another thing I wanted to share with you guys is probably most for the artsy people. I ordered two magazines for two months ago or such named ImagineFX. A couple of weeks ago I just ordered five more and I must say... WOW!
They are so lovely and so detailed and very describing. They have lovely workshops and brushes and textures!

So far I own;

You can buy them for almost NO money on - AMAZING I SAY!

This is all for now~ Will hopefully update soon again♥ 
//runs off to play D3

5 kommentarer:


  2. SO glad to see another one who reads ImagineFX! They're GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I must also have more and I'm thinking of making a subscription or something (to save a lot of money!)
    Your new hair looks so cute <3 You're going to love it when the sun comes back and we'll all get baked :D

    Mmmhhh Diablo <3

  3. Oooh nice ~
    Well if you live in UK you can save like 50% for a year subscription - but in Denmark you'll only save like 2£ or something (LOL!)
    Yeees~ but right now when it's just raining it is rather cold, haha XD

    Diablo = luff <3

  4. OMG Poopie, why haven't I heard of those magazines before ;W; You should come visit me soon (!! Or the other way around XD), and when you do/I do that, I'd really like to take a look at some of the issues! Tbh I'm already considering buying a pair.. Which of those you own are your favs when it comes to tutorials and stuff?

    And your hair ;W; It looks SO good! I've said it before, but you look like a model, Sarah!

    Jeg savner dig!! Lad os have chat-party igen soon :3 <3
