tirsdag den 26. juli 2011

(NO SPOILERS - do not worry :D ) Never more Harry Potter

And then it ended. After so many years have I finally seen the last movie. As the title says, I won’t write anything about the second half of the movie, neither do I want any coments about it, like ‘OMG I WAS SO AMAZED THAT HARRY *BLA BLA*’. I hate being spoiled, so I wish none of that for any of my readers.
Even though it officially ended with this movie, for me it ended when the book came out in 2007 and I read it. I had a really odd feeling back then, now it was mostly the joy of watching a nice movie in the cinema (:

No, really. I owe J.K. Rowling a whole lot. My mother started reading them aloud to me, when I was young and when the second book, ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’, was released I started to read some aloud for my mother as well, before I from the third book and forward read all of them alone, in Danish and English. To be honest, they actually made me a book worm :P I will say I’m a big fan, even though I’ve only read each book about 4-7 times. I really like the movies, but… let’s just say that in movies, even though they can’t put everything in the movie (that would make a very long movie….), I miss a lot. The ‘sidestories’ which they don’t have in the movies, because it isn’t really important to the ‘big story’. Well, I find it important and I am sure that other fans, who have read the book, find it important too, because it adds something unique to the experience. I can only recommend you to read the books!

I’m not that big a fan anymore, but when I was in primary school, I was probably the biggest fan at my school. My class actually held some kind of ‘witch/wizard/Harry Potter’-thing, where we made our own wands, capes and hats – just like the movie! When I walked home from school, just before I turned eleven, I remember dreaming of receiving a letter that would tell me that I had been accepted to attend ‘Hogwarts’ or a school of magic in Denmark. Yes, I knew that it wouldn’t happen, but I dreamt about going on adventures with Harry, Ron & Hermione. Once I attended ‘fastalavn’ (think of Halloween, just instead of ‘spooky’, it can be anything you dress like – but you usually get candy or fruit ^^) dressed as Hermione – people really thought I looked like her (my hair was a lot lighter back then) and I remember it made me so very happy.
But as I said, primary school was my ‘fan period’. When I graduated from primary school (9th grade), our teacher had collected a box for each of us, with things we had made through the 10 years we had been there. My box was the size of a moving box and guess what half of it related to?

Yes, you guessed right. Harry Potter. I found loads of letters I had written, very carefully, to Harry Potter, to Ginny Weasley, to Dumbledore and all those kind of people! I had millions of drawings and all that. It was very nostalgic and I was deeply touched, even though I probably showed it in a strange way – I’m not good at showing my emotions in front of many people ^^ But I truly thank you, Tonni!

I have and have had a lot of collectibles (a photo album with Harry Potter-cover, magic beans, an address-book… you name it!). Lots of them have been thrown out long ago, but even though I don’t have my room full of posters, stickers and other stuff, I got all of my memories inside myself.

As I grew up and wanted to become more ‘grown up’ Harry Potter still followed me. After reading the books, which lead to my hunger for other books (always in the fantasy-genre, haha. I haven’t moved from that genre before last year!) I started to write my own stories and novels. And believe me, if you were my teacher back in primary school, you would know that I wrote stories…. ALL THE TIME :D My assignments were always long and detailed and I was always praised for them (sadly, I don’t get to write fantasy stories in High School :/). But when I reached the last classes in primary school, I converted my stories into comics, which has lead me to where I am today. Sadly, I’m not a good comic maker, so even though the story may be good, I’m just not a good story teller through drawing. At least not always.
But hey, you keep on learning while you live, right?

thanks a lot for all you’ve given me, J.K, H.P. and who ever else made this possible.

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