onsdag den 8. december 2010

WoW release, upcoming birthday, snow.

Yes, back again!

I got my Collectors Edition yesterday *_* or... me and my brother's :) I couldn't afford to buy it myself, so we shared the price. I got the artbook, the soundtrack and the DVD of how they made the cinematic of the expansion, while he got the mousepad, the cards and the game :3
I haven't even tried the game yet, since we share accounts... <-< ;; he's been playing non-stop and I've been burried under homework, work, driver-lessons etc. etc. you name it!

But I wanted to show off some pictures from the artbook :3

Amazing artbook! It's very inspiring!
I am so happy to be able to have this. I have the artbook called "The art of World of Warcraft", which was the first artbook of the game ever released... but I did never get hold of the artbook for "The Burning Crusade" or "The Lich King" *sobs* At Ebay and amazon they cost like a milliard!

I haven't listened to the soundtrack yet or seen how they made the cinematic, but hopefully I'll get to it this weekend ♥ 
(And this friday I'll play, OH YESSS!!)

Which btw is my birthday :3

I'm not excited about turning 18... I would rather not. I feel like I've wasted a lot of my 

youth :l I DON'T WANNA GROW UPPPPPP.... But well, I guess shit happens :D

Oh and at last, some pretty pictures! I had to stop and take pictures, the atmosphere was SO nice when I biked to work 

These pictures don't justify the astmosphere or how beautiful it looked...

1 kommentar:

  1. The artbook is awesome and I've listened to the OSTs 3 times now, and I love them! Though they seem very.....dark... but I like them nonetheless ^^
    I saw that "Jegerkaj" was online everytime I checked yesterday xD haha.. amazing! Hope you get to play these days :)
