onsdag den 29. december 2010


Got my driver license, yippih~ 
I'm so happy that I'm done with it. I still feel the pressure I've been carring around since I started in September... it takes a while for me to realize that the burden has left my shoulders~ phew :D

So right after I got the driver license I decided to buy a digital camera. I've wanted one for so long, because they're very nice to bring on vacations. Therefore I went and bought one :-* Bilka had one for sale for 800 DKR.
Canon Ixus 100 IS

But... it was sold out (to be true, Bilka, you never seem to surprise me. -_- )
So instead I bought the Canon Ixus 105.

A very nice camera, just wished they had had it in black xD


And then I went on a little "GOTTA-BUY-CHEAP-THINGS!"-trip before my last working days!
This lovely shirt~ 90DKR in Monki 

This lovely skirt from Monki as well! 120 DKR!

 Seriously... my favorite store atm is Monki FOR SURE!

This ... umh.. bra that doesn't need strings to keep it up? I don't know what it is called... self-sitting-bra? XD Only 50 DKR in H&M!

And then some underwear I don't dare to share with you on the internet >///u///<

And then I found this nice bracelet on the street XD lol somebody must've dropped it..


Random pictures I took with the camera!

(bad lightning ;_; )


Had my last day of work today btw! So now I'm unemployed! But I just sent an application for a job in Føtex holme... they need someone to work for them from January 2011 8D;;; 


1 kommentar:

  1. Tillykke med kørekortet (>W<)
    Det ska nok blive godt at have dig kørende rundt på de mørke veje om natten x,DDD HØHØ!

    YAY, for januarudsalg (OwO) tror oz jeg vil kigge lidt i år! Men kun lidt xDD

    Nice kamera OAO
