Sitting here in my room, relaxing. been working for 4½ hour now on the design for our study sweaters. Hard to fit all into it, but it turned out like this:
Haha, it's my class riding on Loch Ness with a Scottish man playing the bagpibe xD;
I hope it's gonna turn out nice.
I actually should have been running tuday, but.... I went to this party yesterday... and I didn't get to sleep before 3 in the night... =n=;; ... My head and body are so wasted from dancing and drinking. But I had a lot of fun!
Think I'll go fetch myself a cup of tea and just enjoy life.
- hey maybe I'll get fat and lazy, but if I like living that way I wont stop it! (:
my father is making this awesome layercake (lagkage <3 ) ... with fresh strawberries and raspberries.... MHHHHHMMMHHHHHHH MHH.