tirsdag den 27. september 2011


Okay, I haven't really had anything big to blog about. I have to get going with my Lady cosplay, but right now I have 2-3 assignments each week X_X Can't wait for the autumn holidays....

We were told today in sport class that we have to do an assignment - kind of a training plan.... We had to choose what we wanted to get better at (strength, stamina etc.)... I choose stamina, because I run 1-3 times a week, 6-9 km each time.

So... We had to make ourself a goal. The 'assignment' will run 'till december. Haha, guess what he said.

"I think your goal should be half a marathon"

O_O are you serious?
It sounds like a lot, and the homework (not just for me, but everybody), will be to exercise 2-3 times a week BESIDES the training we do in school time (which is 1 - 2 lessons each week).

So... from 9 to 21 kilometres. That is going to be interesting!

(ps.: when I searched 'Running' this image showed up XD...LOL!)

tirsdag den 13. september 2011

Miss A

I just adore them so much *O* They are amazing at dancing and their vocals are pretty nice as well!

Watch them, you wont regret it!

mandag den 12. september 2011

How to sew a dress!

I bought this beautiful flower pattern fabric when I was out to buy fabric for my Lady cosplay and I thought: hey why not sew myself a cardigan or something?

Sadly, there were no pattern of a cardigan in any of the 'Ingelise' (sewing magasin with patterns) I borrowed from the library, so I had to come up with a new ide!

I search a bit on the internet, and somehow I ended up on this blog, One Avian Daemon.

'The easiest shirt ever' - now that sounds promising, and I basically just followed her instructions and added a little here and there (like length, since mine is a dress XD )

Here are some pictures!


With a belt:

Close up:

(it looks double layered here - it was actually due to folding the fabric twice XD thought it looked nice so the dress wasn't so plane!)

So yeah!
I also got to create the pattern for Lady's shirt! 

mandag den 5. september 2011


I laughed so much XD....

(Cain and Abel from 'Starfighter', (C)HamletMachine)

fredag den 2. september 2011

Lady Cosplay

So today I finally started on my cosplay.
I am gonna cosplay Lady from Devil May Cry and it's her outfit from the third game I am gonna do ^^

My wig is already ordered and I bought fabric for the shirt and for the leather belts and gloves etc. today.
Sadly they didn't have the tartan I was gonna use, but I already have a new plan I'm gonna test!
They didn't have the right colour for her pants, so I have to search for it ;_; huh. I had hoped I would be able to do them this weekend but faith certainly don't want me to...

Anyways, as status is now I will not make her bazooka. That is partly because I don't have any room for it at home, secondly because it would be a pain in the ass going around with at conventions and thirdly because in the anime, she uses her other guns a hell lot of times :-) 
Oh yeah and lastly I'm making the cosplay, I decide what to do. 
I guess it would have been fun to do and I won't say I will never make it, but NOT for j-pop ^^

But one of the problems I am already facing is that no matter WHERE I look, this is the only 'real' photo of Lady from the third game - meaning a lot is left to my fantasy on how I'm gonna do this and that (as an example, the weapon on her left calf.... eh >_> )

Sooo, now you know what I will be busy with :)!!